
Showing posts from November, 2021

case x - 62F with left hemiparesis

62 F brought to casuality with complaints of sudden onset Left upper and lower limb Weakness since 3 days. Burning and tingling sensation of lower limbs. Difficulty in getting up from bed. bowel and bladder incontinence. No sleep since yesterday. Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3days back then she Developed sudden onset weakness of both left upper limb and lower limb associated with difficulty in getting up from bed.then she told she could feel the sence of fullness of bowel and bladder but can not control till the attenders lift her to cammod..  No H/o altered sensorium No seizures No loss of consciousness No Headache and neck pain Not a known diabetic, hypertensive, CKD, asthmatic, epileptic On examination :  Patient conscious, oriented Bp 130/80mmhg Pr 88bpm Spo2 98% on RA GRBS 319mg/dl attitude of the left limb externally rotated to left. Deformed Rt ankle. deformed and swollen joints . CVS : S1, S1 Heard. No murmurs 2D echo :  No