55F with Rt upper & lower limb weakness, deviation of mouth, LOC.


55-year-old female presented with complaints of weakness of right upper limb and lower limb since morning associated with loss of consciousness,deviation of mouth to left side & slurred speech.

Patient was apparently a symptomatic one day back she was active and performing her daily activities today morning she suddenly Felt unconscious and had a history of fall following which patient attenders noticed she developed deviation of mouth to left side and slurred speech drowsy and weakness of limbs right more than left and difficulty in walking.

Was not a known case of hypertension ,diabetes ,bronchial asthma,CAD.

O/E :

Pt drowsy but arousable.

GCS 14/15 E4V5M5

BP: 140/90mmhg

PR : 96bpm

GRBS : 180mg/dl

CVS : S1,S2 heard No murmurs



HMF INTACT, oriented to time,place,person.

B/L pupils reactive to light.

Palmer grip 100% in both hands.

                             Rt                         Lt

Tone  UL              N                          N

          LL               N                         N

power   UL           4/5                       5/5

             LL           3/5                       4/5


Biceps       3+             2+

Triceps      2+             2+

Supinator   2+             2+

Knee          3+             3+

Ankle         1+             1+

Planter        F.             F

No cerebellar signs

No meningial signs

Sensory system intact.


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